New Location for our Scoop Shop & The Dessert Bar- 8 Western Ave. Kennebunk

Hello Friends of Rococo,

 It is with profound sadness that I announce the closing of my 6 Spring Street, Kennebunkport shop. This shop was the birthplace of Rococo Ice Cream, and for more than a decade a place of special memories, friendships, and accomplishments. While I have written this announcement many times in my head, it's taken me months to put my words together & decide how to share the unfortunate news with my beloved guests and a community that has supported me and my vision for Rococo since my earliest days.

I have known about this difficult news since last December. A few days before Christmas, I was informed by my landlord that he would be giving my lease over to one of his family members for their recently purchased ice cream company. I was told I had nine weeks to vacate; leaving Rococo in a very vulnerable and precarious position and in need of a new home before the 2022 season. I, through my lawyer, was able to negotiate one final season at our Spring Street home.

Keeping this news to myself, over the past few months, has given me time to reflect on the business I built, one tasty cone and happy customer at a time. I am so proud of taking this store front, which was a-nothing-of-a retail location when I opened in 2012 (ask any local), into the booming, line-forming, world-famous Kennebunkport hot spot that it is today. When I first opened I’d watch all the tourists down in ‘the square’ and wonder if they’d ever make their way up the hill. Now on a hot summer night, our line often extends down into the very same square. One tasty cone and happy customer at a time.

 I am forever grateful for the members of this beautiful community, for taking a chance on me and my whimsical flavors. I believe deeply that this business only survived its first few years because of the many, many, locals who came in habitually for a scoop and to see the newest creations this “sweet genius” had recently concocted. Your business and your word-of-mouth praises kept this business alive. My successes belong to you as well. Thank you for your endless support. Thank you for sharing your summer vacations, family traditions and sweet moments with me.

 I’ve had to grieve the loss of this shop. I am still very sad. I’ve had to work on turning my sadness into reflection. Space to think on the pillars of what has made Rococo a successful company. How it goes beyond a great product and a physical location. How it is really about integrity, compassion, community involvement, leading with kindness and now resilience.

 This business truly is the outward expression of my heart. 6 Spring Street has been the heartbeat, a tangible representation of Rococo. Here I’ve shared my love, my creativity and my dream for a scoop shop unlike any other. I am grateful for the fabulous staff that I have had over years; through the hard work of the friendliest scoopers we have served well over a half-a-million scoops to delighted customers. Thank you for exploring new and unique ice creams alongside us, and keeping the adventurous heart of Rococo beating.

I can’t announce our next location yet. But, I am hopeful that we will be settled into our new Kennebunkport location in time for the 2023 season. I can’t imagine Kennebunkport without Rococo.

I invite you to join me for a scoop and a heartfelt goodbye for the last days at our 6 Spring Street home.

I would love to share these last days with you, friends of Rococo Ice Cream.

With Love & Gratitude, 

Lauren Guptill